Friday 22 May 2015

HPI (House Price Index) and OMI (Ontario Mortgage Insight Report) Two Acronyms that mean A Lot

There is a reason why many economists subscribe and pay attention to the Teranet National Bank Index and The Ontario Mortgage Insight Report. If economists are paying attention to these what is contained in these reports, you should be too! These reports shed insight into the Canadian and Ontario real estate markets and trends. Reviewing this data can enable you to foresee changes coming in the market – both good and bad. This can help you to ramp up marketing efforts in particular regions or to mitigate risk.

The Teranet National Bank House Price Index is a monthly published report that provides the rate of change for Canadian single family home prices. The data is amongst the most accurate available and the report bases its measurements on actual sales in the public land registries. This is a national composite. Here is where you can register to receive this very valuable monthly report to your email inbox:

The Ontario Mortgage Insight Report from Teranet also provides valuable statistical information which includes mortgages and home equity by location and transaction. This report is available in Ontario and you can register to receive it by contacting Teranet.

These two reports give you the competitive edge – stay in the know by staying in the loop!

Want to learn more about either one, or the many ways in which they can help you become more efficient and competitive? Contact Purview For Lenders today at 1.855.787.8439. 

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